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Thread: Several questions about future implementation concerning Feedback and Rating.

  1. #1
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    Guest rennovak's Avatar

    Several questions about future implementation concerning Feedback and Rating.

    1. How and where are new users on the site (either as a Job Seeker or Employer) saved in the database? Are they treated as regular WP-USERs?

    2. Is it possible to implement some sort of a rating system for both, Job Seekers and Employers, with a plugin? Or is this option already available in the theme?

    3. Is it possible to introduce some sort of a feedback system for both, Job Seekers and Employers? e.g. a Job Seeker applies for a job, finishes the work and then the Employer sends a feedback for that user (Job seeker). The feedback should be visible for all users when they check someones profile within the site.

    4. Is it possible to make a job (post) automatically disappear when a Job Seeker successfully applies for it?

    5. Does the ClassiPress theme support two types of users like JobRoller?

    Thank you in advance,

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Hi Renato, in answer to your questions:

    1. Yes, JobRoller uses the native WordPress user functionality to manage user accounts.

    2. There is no current rating system for users in JobRoller, or plugins available in the AppThemes marketplace that can be used for this purpose.

    3. This is also not a feature of JobRoller, so would require customization on your part if you were looking to introduce such a feature. JobRoller is not encrypted, so technically you can make any modification you wish to the theme.

    4. The job listing will only disappear when the listing expires, or if the employer removes it from the dashboard.

    5. Not by default, at this time JobRoller is our only theme which has 2 different registration types.


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