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Thread: Single Car Dealership

  1. #1
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    Sancho Panza's Avatar
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    Single Car Dealership


    I have a client who has a car sales dealership and I wonder if WPClassipress would be suitable for this.
    It is needed to be set up that only the guy from the dealership will post cars for sale, and it would not want to show that "admin" had created all the posts.
    likewise it does not need a map for each car posted as they are all in the same place.


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Re: Single Car Dealership

    Yes I have seen numerous other instances of ClassiPress being used for vehicle sales, so I would say yes, it's perfectly suitable for this purpose ;)

    As far as the ad poster goes, you can obviously create different logins and apply ads to those users if you want to.. Or alternatively you could do some minor customizations to hide fields assuming you have some coding knowledge to do so.

    You can also choose not to have the maps tab, just by not completing the Google maps API field from within the CP settings.

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