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Thread: Slider for pictures

  1. #1
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    Guest debbie's Avatar

    Slider for pictures

    Hi, is it possible to have a slideshow for the pictures (example restaurant pics) instead of having to click on each one to see them? If so, how?
    I am just about ready to purchase your theme as I think it is outstanding but I am also reviewing geotheme. There was a comparison between you both online and it was in geothemes favor. However, I think that some of the things they said you didn't offer were untrue. One of them stated that your theme was not responsive but it does seem to be on an iphone. I know you are working on recurring payments. Is that realistically going to happen in December? Thanks, Really am ready to buy just need these things cleared up.

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    The option for an image slider within the listings is not available by default, however there is a plugin in the AppThemes marketplace which does offer this functionality found here. Our Vantage theme was previously not responsive, but it is now, so presumably you may have read some old documentation or forum threads when it wasn't? You can find information regarding the current features on the Vantage theme page. As indicated on our theme release status page we are planning to implement recurring payments in v1.3 of Vantage, and December is our current estimated time frame. Thanks.

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