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Thread: Some pre-purchase questions re Vantage and Classipress

  1. #1
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    Some pre-purchase questions re Vantage and Classipress

    My project is to build a directory of businesses which serve a sports/leisure industry. I need to start in my home state (by agreement with a user group), however the industry is wide reaching.
    I would like to have a Vantage directory with both services/businesses and products (as per in the showcase).

    How do I set up the categories and products area?

    When this is set up, I'd like to have a complimentary site with Classifieds. Do I install TwinPress now or can I do this later?

    If I need help with the setup, are there recommended providers who can help?

    Apologies if I've missed the answers to any of these.


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    All categories are created by you within the WordPress admin dashboard, so you can essentially add whatever categories you like. The TwinPress child themes are created to run as a network, so you may like to read more about WordPress multisite here if you're not familiar with this. If you are intending to add ClassiPress and TwinPress classifieds later, it would be a good idea to set everything up in preparation for it from the beginning.

    AppThemes doesn't offer customization services, however we do have a certified partners page where you can find developers for hire who are experienced at working with our themes. Thanks.

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