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Thread: some pre-sale questions

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    some pre-sale questions


    great themes!
    I'd like to ask about classipress theme:
    1. I want to make car classified site , and I need in the main search form a car make field, and based on the car make selection - show the relevant car model selection values - is it possible?
    same question for posting an add - is it possible to choose car make and based on that selection easily offer to choose its relevant car model?
    2. What is the ad url? can I decide which fields from the ad will be contained in the url? meaning - the url can include the car make and car model?
    3. after a user submitting the ad, will he get a link to the add he posted at the end of the process?
    4. At the end of filling the form, (or at the beginning) if I want to offer the user to give me also personal details like name and email - is it possible to collect them?
    is it possible to add these details automatically as wordpress users?

    many thanks

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    In answer to your questions:

    1. It would be possible on the homepage through customization on your part, however by default, these custom fields would only be available to search in the category view sidebar as seen on the ClassiPress demo site. For the ad posting form you can create a custom form with the relevant fields available, and if using cars as the main category, you can set the make/model as subcategories to select from.

    2. The default URL structure is like this: but you can also change the base structure from within the advanced settings tab of the ClassiPress admin dashboard.

    3. If a free ad is published immediately there will be a success screen to do this, if it's a paid ad they will see this plus receive an email.

    4. This is not part of the ad posting process by default, however users are required to register before they can post and therefore you can collect this data at that time using a specific plugin here.


  3. #3
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    Hi Pepsi

    Some of your answers are not clear to me -

    Regarding item 2 -
    can I change only the "ads" characters? can I change the ad-name to be the car make and model chosen in the ad?

    Regarding item 3 - in the success screen and Email - can I put the add link in it so he can view it?

    Regarding item 4 - user registration is necessary? can't I choose to let them post an add without user registration?
    I don't understand what I get from this plugin u mentioned it is an extra cost of 29$ and I don't understand what do I get more that I don't already have from the theme.

    5. How can I experience the registration process and the post an add that immediately followed? I want to see it the process is friendly enough before buying the theme.
    can u provide a link that I can registered as a user and right after be pointed to post an add?
    because in the demo , when I choose to post an add it lets me fill the fields without asking me to register as a user

    many thanks

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    2 - Yes you can change the "ads" part of the URL, but the remaining part is related to the actual ad title. It would require customization on your part if you wanted to change this further as described.

    3 - The link already shows on the success screen and email

    4 - Yes registration is required by default, and there is no setting to turn this off in the ClassiPress admin dashboard so this also would require customization. By default, then a user registers they only need to complete a username and email address. The plugin allows you to extend the registration form to require additional fields as you mentioned you were looking for.

    5 - The demo site unfortunately is already logged in so you can't complete the full process there.

    In relation to modifications of the default theme, AppThemes does not offer customization services, however we do have a certified partners page where you can find developers for hire who are experienced at working with our themes. Thanks.

  5. #5
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar


    thankyou for your answers

    another question- can I control the status of the add when a user posting an add? meaning can I decide if it is published automatically or pending to be approved by me?


  6. #6
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    another question

    If I may.. another question:
    so - in order to post an add the user needs to register, he registers and after that he is back in the site to post an add,
    the question: can I control the page the user is returned to the site after registration?
    meaning - not to be transferred to the home page, but to the the actual post an add form?


  7. #7
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    thankyou for your answers

    another question- can I control the status of the add when a user posting an add? meaning can I decide if it is published automatically or pending to be approved by me?

    For free ads yes you can control the status so that the ad requires moderation before it is published, however for paid ads, it will publish once the transaction has been completed by the customer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    If I may.. another question:
    so - in order to post an add the user needs to register, he registers and after that he is back in the site to post an add,
    the question: can I control the page the user is returned to the site after registration?
    meaning - not to be transferred to the home page, but to the the actual post an add form?

    You can configure the new user email from within the ClassiPress admin dashboard as shown here on the ClassiPress demo site, so if you choose to add a link which goes directly to the post an add screen then you could. Thanks.

  8. #8
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    answer was not clear


    again many thanks for all your answers
    but I guess my question was not clear.
    I meant -
    after user registers in order to post an add -
    he is transferred back to the site automatically.
    can I transfer him automatically NOT to the homepage, but to the the post and add form?
    for example - this site is using you theme and after registration the user is transferred automatically to the post an add form, and not to the homepage
    this is what I need, but I want to understand if such a behavior is something your theme actually supports or maybe this is something this site's owner developed alone.


  9. #9
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    also another question I have to ask again:
    I return to an answer u gave me that I now re-read and it is not clear:

    I ask
    "I want to make car classified site , and I need in the main search form a car make field, and based on the car make selection - show the relevant car model selection values - is it possible?
    same question for posting an add - is it possible to choose car make and based on that selection easily offer to choose its relevant car model?"

    u wrote
    "It would be possible on the homepage through customization on your part, however by default, these custom fields would only be available to search in the category view sidebar as seen on the ClassiPress demo site. For the ad posting form you can create a custom form with the relevant fields available, and if using cars as the main category, you can set the make/model as subcategories to select from."

    my question:
    in the post an add form,
    by default - if I choose the categories to car make - like - mazda, ford, fiat etc, the user is choosing a car category - then can open a selection box for the model options according to the car make category that he chose?
    meaning - the model options will be different than for mazda , and different for ford etc..

    thanks and sorry for the many questions, I already bought other plugins that did not do what I expected.

  10. #10
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post

    again many thanks for all your answers
    but I guess my question was not clear.
    I meant -
    after user registers in order to post an add -
    he is transferred back to the site automatically.
    can I transfer him automatically NOT to the homepage, but to the the post and add form?
    for example - this site is using you theme and after registration the user is transferred automatically to the post an add form, and not to the homepage
    this is what I need, but I want to understand if such a behavior is something your theme actually supports or maybe this is something this site's owner developed alone.

    You have a couple of choices in the ClassiPress admin dashboard, and that is to allow the person registering to set their own password (in which case they can log in right away), or for them to be required to check their email for the password (higher security). Even if you allow the user to sign in as soon as they have registered, they still have to manually click on the "Post new Ad" button in order to proceed, so you'd need to modify this if you wanted it to be the default behaviour, OR if you're sending an email, just make the link go there.

    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    also another question I have to ask again:
    I return to an answer u gave me that I now re-read and it is not clear:

    I ask
    "I want to make car classified site , and I need in the main search form a car make field, and based on the car make selection - show the relevant car model selection values - is it possible?
    same question for posting an add - is it possible to choose car make and based on that selection easily offer to choose its relevant car model?"

    u wrote
    "It would be possible on the homepage through customization on your part, however by default, these custom fields would only be available to search in the category view sidebar as seen on the ClassiPress demo site. For the ad posting form you can create a custom form with the relevant fields available, and if using cars as the main category, you can set the make/model as subcategories to select from."

    my question:
    in the post an add form,
    by default - if I choose the categories to car make - like - mazda, ford, fiat etc, the user is choosing a car category - then can open a selection box for the model options according to the car make category that he chose?
    meaning - the model options will be different than for mazda , and different for ford etc..

    thanks and sorry for the many questions, I already bought other plugins that did not do what I expected.
    Yes, you can set the categories as car types with the models as subcategories if you wish. Thanks.

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