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Thread: Some prequestions about JobRoller and Appthemes Coupon

  1. #1
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    Guest miguelrijk's Avatar

    Some prequestions about JobRoller and Appthemes Coupon

    Dear Guys,

    I have some prequestions regarding your products.

    -Can I send a separate mail to employers and recruiters?
    -Can I send alert mails once a week? (the lowest is once a day)
    -Can I monitor on how many people have applied for the job?
    -When employers/recruiters want to repost their ad can they just do this? and if yes, can I place an extra pay option for this?
    -When clients apply for a job will the apply-butto redirect them to the mailing address? or will it be sent to the admin?
    -Can I do recurring payments? (subscription)
    -Can I monitor members on how often they log-in?

    Appthemes Coupon
    -Can I make coupon codes special for some type of package? (example: Package basic: No discount Package plus: 10$ discount upon purchase)
    -Can I monitor on how many clients have used the code?
    -Can I put a maximum on the code use?
    -Can I put a maximum on the code use per member? (members can only use the code once or twice for example)

    Sorry that I have a lot of question..Thank you for your help.


  2. #2
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Pre-sale questions.

    I meant pre-sale questions, not prequestions.

  3. #3
    pepsi's Avatar
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    In answer to your questions:

    - There is no specific email function for this built into the theme for sending mass mailouts. You'd need to manage this through an external mail management service.
    - The defaulyt settings can be seen on the JobRoller admin dashboard demo, so anything outside of these settings would require customization on your part.
    - Only if you were to also BCC application emails to admin and record manually. There is no specific function for this otherwise.
    - The employer is emailed when the job expires and has the option to renew the listing at that time based on your original listing price settings.
    - The email is sent directly to the employer, but as mentioned above you can also set in the JobRoller admin for a copy to be BCC'd to the admin.
    - Currently this is only available for resume subscriptions.
    - Not specifically within the theme, perhaps you may be able to find a WordPress plugin which offers this kind of data.

    Appthemes Coupon
    - The plugin doesn't have specific options based on packages, it applies the discount to the checkout regardless of the package.
    - You can set limits to coupon use, but not specifically see who has used it.
    - As above, yes
    - Yes, you can set limit per user.

    No problem, hope this information helps. Thanks :)

    Sorry that I have a lot of question..Thank you for your help.


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