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Thread: Some question before buying

  1. #1
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    Guest Rol05's Avatar

    Some question before buying

    Dear Appthemes Team,

    I have 2 questions, for which I didn't find answer in current topics.

    1. Is there any option to rate / evalute the advertiser? I ask it, because I think that it could be helpful, if I can exclude advertisers, who scamm the customers.
    2. Is it possible to hide / disallow filelds, when the advertiser edit his/her ad?

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    1. ClassiPress does not have a rating system built in by default, no. We may see the ability for this functionality in future using the Starstuck plugin, however at this time the plugin does not offer this and we do not have a confirmed time frame as to when it will allow user rating.

    2. Within ClassiPress there is no option to hide fields, however you may like to check out the Advanced custom fields plugin available in the AppThemes marketplace which does offer this. Thanks.

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