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Thread: some questions ;)

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    some questions ;)

    I am interested in Vantage and all themes;)

    but first soem questions,

    1. what about language support? i am from croatia and i wonder can i change it to my language? (i think yes, but need to be poitive;)

    2. Is there option to search like "the best from >some category<", i mean, i want to se what are best restorants with view or with avrage grade... is there option for that? i saw there are popular categories, but can i chose from category/subcat some of the best...
    like highest graded or popular... maybe, when u chose category it shows or when you chose sub category?

    3. it says it is able to import from CVS, but couldt be able to find exaple, i wonder importing categories/subcategories...

    4. is there any chance that you can make locations. like, i need to post restorant in CITY,HOOD,addres,name...
    i ask bcz for permalinks... if i can write restorant, centar, london... ?
    when you make add, you chose city, neibr... and from that he make link .../zagreb/centar/caffe-bar

    i hope you could understand me;)

    best regards!

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    In answer to your questions:

    1. Yes you most definitely can change the language for our themes :) Our languages page shows how this is done. At this time I believe there are Croatian language files already available for all themes apart from Quality control.

    2. You can search the highest rated from within your search results, as you can see here on the vantage demo in the "refine search" sidebar there is a "Highest Rating" option. This is not a search found on the main page though, so it would require some customization of the default theme if you wanted to add such a function.

    3. The built in .csv importer can be found here on the Vantage admin demo, although this is primarily for the listings themselves.

    4. The default URL structure is e.g.:

    and does not specifically include the location. Unless the category itself was the location, then no this would not be how it appears on a standard installation. This too would require additional customization. Thanks.

  3. #3
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar


    1. & 2. that will do;)

    thanks for your answers at such short notice...

    i still cant find csv;) i am looking but cant find;) but it is oke,

    and 1 final question,
    cca 250$ cost all themes?

  4. #4
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    1. & 2. that will do;)

    thanks for your answers at such short notice...

    i still cant find csv;) i am looking but cant find;) but it is oke,

    and 2 final question,
    1. cca 250$ cost all themes?
    2. can i make custom fields depending on categories? to chose PARKING as custom filde anly to be in Restorants?


  5. #5
    pepsi's Avatar
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    You're welcome :)

    1. $249 is the price of the AppThemes club package which gives you access to all existing themes, you can read more specific details about this on our pricing page.
    2. You as the admin set up all categories and subcategories, and you can create custom forms for each category which determines what fields will show on that particular listing form. Here on the admin demo you can see how these are created, and how you can select the relevant categories which it applies to.

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