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Thread: Some questions about Classipress

  1. #1
    chris designer
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    Some questions about Classipress

    Hello I am looking closely at using Classipress for a project I am undertaking.

    I am tossing up between several classified wordpress themes: Classipress, 'Classifieds Theme' (by Premium Wordpress Themes) and a theme by SiteMile.

    Im wondering about the search functionality of Classipress. Rather than search by categories like 'auto, electronics' etc as shown in the Classipress demo, i need the site to be searchable primarily by location.

    So a buyer would come to the site and from the homepage search by either postcode, or by selecting state, city and suburb from drop down menus. The user would then receive a list of classifieds matching the location - including surrounding suburbs.

    When a user made a new listing, they would need to enter the State, city, suburb where their listing is located.

    Does Classipress allow for this kind of use?

    Also, does Classify allow for easy integration of advertising? Such as banners in the header and footer and maybe AdSense advertising in the side menus?

    Thanks very much.

  2. #2
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    further to the above questions

    Further to my questions above.

    Is it possible to create ad listings in Classicpress that dont have prices associated with them? For example, lets say a personal ad or a get together. There is no cost or price involved with this kind of listing. So if I want to have listings like this on my site is that possible?

  3. #3
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Currently how the advanced search works is that you need to be in the category view in order to refine the search further. There, users can refine search based on location and any other custom fields which you as the admin determine for the site. You can see this in the sidebar of the ClassiPress demo site as "Refine Results". The fields which appear are determined by the fields you place in the new ad form. So essentially the functionality is there, but it doesn't display in the homepage as you're describing, so it would involve some customization of the default theme on your part if you were looking to have this appear differently. ClassiPress is not encrypted, so you are free to make such changes if you wish.

    In the "Advertising" tab of the ClassiPress admin dashboard settings you can find where to place Adsense code in the header banner or single ad pages, and you can use widgets in order to ad additional advertising spaces in the sidebar and footer.

    You can create a custom ad form which leaves out the price part of the listing, however you may need to do some minor code modification in order to remove the visual pricetag image from the listing itself. Thanks.

  4. #4
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by pepsi View Post
    ...So essentially the functionality is there, but it doesn't display in the homepage as you're describing, so it would involve some customization of the default theme on your part if you were looking to have this appear differently...
    Thanks for your reply.

    Ok well, I would want the homepage search option to be postcode AND/OR location (chosen by State, City, Suburb).

    So to make that the default search option on the homepage, would that be hard for a developer? How much work do you imagine it would take?

    I might be better off going with a theme that has that functionality by default?

  5. #5
    pepsi's Avatar
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    An experienced developer should be able to do this, and if you want to get an idea of how much this may cost you may like to contact someone from our Certified partners page with an outline of your requirements. Thanks.

  6. #6
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    Hi Pepsi, again thanks for your reply.

    I have contacted a couple of the Certified partners to request quotes and to establish how possible it would be to customize the ClassiPress theme in the way described above.

    I wonder, perhaps one of the other AppTheme themes might be better for my purposes?

    For example, looking at the Vantage demo, I see that on the home page it is possible for a user to search by location, entering City and Country. Would it be possible to customize the Vantage theme from within the Admin area so that the search feature on the home page searched by postcode and suburb?

    Also, would it be possible to remove the 'Search For (e.g. restaurant, web designer, florist)' section from the Vantage homepage? so that the only search option was simply geographic location? If this was possible, I think the Vantage theme might better suit my needs.


  7. #7
    pepsi's Avatar
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    The search in Vantage uses the Google Maps API, so you can actually already enter in a postcode or suburb in the "Near" field to find listings for that location from the homepage. There aren't any specific settings in the Vantage admin dashboard that would change the way this appears, so adding or removing fields from the search bar would require some customization of the default theme. Thanks.

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