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Thread: Some questions about ClassiPress Theme

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Some questions about ClassiPress Theme

    Hello there,
    I’m writing you because I’m interesting to buy the ClassiPress Theme. But before, I would like to make some questions to be sure about my choice.
    I would like to know if with the ClassPress Theme is possible to set one account email for each free post add?
    Can we set different Packs (price’s) for different positions on the theme. For example:
    one price to post on Featured Listings position;
    one pack to post on CP 125X125 Ads sidebar;
    one pack for CP 125X125 Ads footer?
    Can we remove the price from Listings?
    Can we remove from the homepage:
    Ad Categories;
    Just Listed;
    Most Popular;
    Can we mixed the Register and the Log In into the same page?
    Please send me your feed back as soon a possible.
    Thanks in advance,

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    There is no specific setting by which you can give an account a free ad, but you can of course create a coupon code and send it to the user in order to allow them a free ad if it is for the total of the normal listing price.

    No, the ad packs do not specific whether or not the ad is featured, nor does it have anything to do with advertising spaces outside of the actual ad listings.

    Yes, you can create a custom ad form and remove the price field if you wish.

    Removing the tabs from the homepage would involve some customization of the theme, but yes it could be done.

    The Login page has a register link already by default, but if you wanted both fully displayed in the page the way JobRoller theme is, this would require some customization on your part.

    If I have misunderstood any of your questions please let me know and perhaps describe further. Thanks.

  3. #3
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by pepsi View Post
    No, the ad packs do not specific whether or not the ad is featured, nor does it have anything to do with advertising spaces outside of the actual ad listings.
    In this case how can I do such thinks? I want separate free post from pay post. They should be displayed in deferent’s places, how can I do this? Isn't Wordpress or Classpress flexible enough to do my requests?
    By the way, is this possible to add some content outside the theme, advertising for example.
    Thanks in advance,

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Yes, you can definitely have a combination of free ad listings and paid ad listings, but in terms of the specific questions you asked, no the theme will not do this by default.

    Advertising spaces are totally separate to normal ad listing spaces, and other than the advertising space you see configurable from the ClassiPress admin demo (see the "Advertising" tab), you could manage any 125x125 sidebar ads using a plugin if you wanted to.

    I don't know what you mean by "content outside the theme"? But if you're basically talking about customizing the theme, then yes you can make changes, our themes are not encrypted so you are free to make changes as you wish.

  5. #5
    Forum Member amk2010's Avatar
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    well .... Appthemes provide you the all the basic features but there can be many different requirements of many customers so i think its good that they haven't restricted modifications in their themes. Anybody can customize a theme as per his/her business requirements. Further, Appthemes dont offer customization yet so you have to do this effort yourself or contact their certified parters here Certified WordPress Theme Partners | AppThemes

  6. #6
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    Thanks for the info :)

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