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Thread: Some questions about VANTAGE

  1. #1
    Forum Member marketangel's Avatar
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    Some questions about VANTAGE


    I've just found Vantage, and it looks like it might do a lot of what I am after.
    I do have a few questions first though -

    I noticed in an old blog that there is to be an Events section - is that up and running yet as I can't see it in the demo. If not, how far away do you think this is?

    My website lists markets around Australia and I would like to integrate a directory into it. If I can use the Events in Vantage that would be awesome, otherwise could I use another events plugin like I currently do?

    Also, is it possible to have multiple listing prices, ie for different packages? I'm wanting to create packages with which allow the users to enter different number of market dates.


  2. #2
    Amateur cjc790's Avatar
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    Events is definitely the most requested feature for Vantage I'd say. However I'm not sure as to the timeline. If you check out this blog post:

    You'll see what they're planning in terms of features for the next releases and I think Shannon says in a comment on that post that there currently isn't a timetable. However it does look like there will be some nice features that I know I'll like such as favoriting and more photos for Vantage 1.1.

    As for the multiple listing prices, I'm going to assume that too will eventually be included like it is in JobRoller, as to when I'm not sure.

    I'm also excited about the child-theme that TinyGiantStudios is developing called Advantage.

    You can see a glimpse of it here:

    Hopefully this helps to answer your question.


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