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Thread: Some questions before buying

  1. #1
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    Guest psymania's Avatar

    Some questions before buying


    So i'm very interested in buying this plugin, but i noticed a few things that need to be changed in order to satisfy my client needs, and i want to know if it's possible and how to change them:

    1 - I noticed that on the "custom fields" there's a "State" field, and it seems that it's important for Google Maps to work correctly, but i'll use this plugin based on all countries, other then USA, so i have no need to have that field, is there any way i can disable this field or workaround it?

    2 - The second point is similiar, i'm not interested in the "Price" field, how do i remove it?

    3 - There's an option on the user panel » ads, where i can set the item as sold, i would like to remove that feature, is it possible?

    I would appreciate if you could give me the solutions right away so i cna buy the plugin and adapt it for myself.
    Thanks in advance for the answer.

    Best Regards

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    1. Yes, you can either remove the field altogether or change the field values to relate to the relevant country. This can be done from within the ClassiPress admin dashboard.

    2. Same thing, you can create a custom ad form which includes/excludes the fields as per your requirements.

    3. Yes, this would be a minor customization to the theme, but can be done.

    Just to clarify, ClassiPress is a stand alone theme and not a plugin, therefore it will replace any existing theme you have in place (unlike a plugin which can be added to an existing theme)..

  3. #3
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    Guest psymania's Avatar
    pepsi thanks a lot for the answer!
    i have only one more answer, if i create a new Form Layout without this field: State, will Google Maps function work correctly?
    thanks in advance for the answer.
    i'll buy this theme ;)

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