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Thread: some requirements

  1. #1
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    Guest SRD's Avatar

    some requirements

    Can job seekers set up job alerts?
    Can job seekers attach their resume to their profile?
    Can recruiters see stats on their job listings? e.g. views etc.

    I have a custom requirement. The website owner is a security company. They want to build a website which includes a job board. They want recruiters to be able to sign up and post jobs that job seekers can apply for.

    They also want to give recruiters the option of contracting the website owner to find the employee they need.

    So, on the recruiter side, is there a way I can build in an option that instead of posting the job to the job board, they post the job to the website owners own recruitment team. The functionality of this doesn't have to be part of Job Roller. Just the option of providing them the choice of where to submit their job listing to.


  2. #2
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    The option of where to submit the job posting doesn't necessarily have to be part of the jobroller app itself.

    It could be a different part of the website.

  3. #3
    pepsi's Avatar
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    In answer to your questions:

    1. Yes, job seekers can set up job alerts

    2. Job applicants can attach a resume to the online application form, but by default, the resume information on the site entered in by the job seeker is not available as an attachment. You can however, find this functionality in the form of an optional add-on called FXTender Pro

    3. Views are visible near the bottom of the job listing page as seen on the JobRoller demo site

    4. AppThemes doesn't offer customization services, however we do have a certified partners page where you can find developers for hire. Thanks.

  4. #4
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    Guest SRD's Avatar
    Thank you Miss Pepsi

  5. #5
    pepsi's Avatar
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    You're welcome :)

  6. #6
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    Guest SRD's Avatar
    Hi Miss Pepsi,

    Is there a mechanism where we can have recurring payments from the recruiting company (website client) to the website owner?

    Thanks and regards,

  7. #7
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Currently recurring payments in JobRoller are only available for resume subscriptions. As per v1.7 release notes:

    Automatic recurring payments for resumes subscriptions are only available for PayPal Business accounts (PayPal IPN must be enabled). If you don’t have a business account, subscriptions will default to manual one-off payments, and can be purchased with any gateway.

  8. #8
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    Guest SRD's Avatar
    These recurring payments are for companies to search the talent pool.

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