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Thread: Some urgent questions

  1. #1
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    Junior Member jaidev's Avatar
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    Some urgent questions


    I am looking to buy the classipress theme, dev version:

    1. My client is from Norway and he needs a system that uses Norwegian currency for paypal.

    1a. Is this supported in version 2.9?
    1b. If not, is it possible to implement by customizing the code?
    1c. Is it possible to integrate other payment services - other than paypal?

    2. Is the only difference between the single page licence and the developer, multi page, licence the need or no-need to keep the bottom links?
    That is, is the functionality and customizing/further development possibilities the same?

    3. My client needs features that is not implementet, like:

    - Search constrained by placement/city in Norway

    - Seperate banner ads campain from commercial entities

    - Saved search - that is a user can save a search and receive an email when a classified add that meets the search requirments is published.

    - Transport service - that is, a user will be presented different transport possibilities in the area when clicking on an add.

    - Other advanced search fields (that we don't know yet. Ie. we need to be able to customize the search)

    3a. Is it possible for me to implement this in any of your versions?

    4. Further development/ customizing:

    4a. Is your code well commented, so it is possible to understand what is going on?

    4b. Is the system well documented? Do you have a developer API with documentation with your Developer licence?

    Thanks for your time!

    Best Regards,
    Jaidev Kristiansen" onclick=";return false;

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Re: Some urgent questions

    I will try and answer as many of your questions as possible, and anything I'm not sure about I will check..

    1. Yes, Norwegian Krone is an available option (as is the Norwegian language pack).
    1c. Currently Paypal is the only payment option available with the CP options.

    2. I'm assuming you have already read the information on the "buy" page regarding the purpose of each licence To specifically answer your questions then, no - the credit link is not the only difference, obviously each licence is based on how many sites you intend to use CP on. If you're asking if the product is the same for each licence, then that would be yes.

    3. -This thread regarding regional search may be of interest to you: as it contains information from the CP owner regarding this issue. I believe what you're asking about is due to be implemented in the next release of CP due out in a matter of months. Ads are supported with easy to configure options from within the WP dashboard. Ultimately, depending on your level of coding experience, many modifications are possible with CP if you know how to implement it.

    4a. From the minor modifications I have made to my own site personally (as an inexperienced coder), I have found it easy to follow.
    4b. I will check this out for you, I don't personally use a developer licence so am unsure what comes with it.

    I hope this clarifies some of what you are asking for now..

  3. #3
    Founder dcowgill's Avatar
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    Re: Some urgent questions

    Just to follow up with Pepsi's reply....

    We don't have a developer api per se but the platform it's built on (WordPress) does. You can read more about their plugin api here.

    The code does have some comments but not a lot. If you are familiar with WordPress and understand PHP, you won't have any problems figuring it out. The new version due out soon will be better written and include more comments.

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