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Thread: Sorting & Settings

  1. #1
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    Guest Troy's Avatar

    Sorting & Settings

    I am trying to decide between your script and another and I have a few questions.

    1. Can coupons be sorted by type (printable vs promo codes)
    2. I am surprised that there is no way to charge for posting coupons so I plan on doing a paypal subscription page so can the button text and icon be changed to submit a coupon?
    3. Can the text be changed that shows inside the search box?
    4. I have thought about using Classipress instead of there a way to show the contact info first instead of the map on the item details page?

    I have to be script is very nice and clean. I love it but it seems pretty restricted compared to other scripts. If there was a way to charge for local coupon listings I would have already bought this theme.


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    1. No, there is no sort feature in the current version of the theme.

    2. Our themes are not encrypted, so you are free to customize as you wish. So yes, they can be changed.

    3. As above, if you have the coding knowledge to make the adjustments you want, then yes.

    4. Yes, this can be done with some minor adjustment to the theme code.

    The Clipper theme is new, and only into it's second version release so there is certainly plenty of room for development. We encourage feedback from our community in the AppThemes Ideas Exchange as it lets our development team know what our customers would like to see in future releases.

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