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Thread: Source Code and Backups

  1. #1
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    Source Code and Backups

    i want to purchase this theme but i have questions

    Question 1: would i got full source code of theme and m i authorized to change in source codes.

    Question 2: if i want to move in future on core PHP based my own codes , how can tack data backup or it will be easily to backup.

    Question 3: if i will not renew subscription? i that case is my theme works or not?

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    In answer to your questions:

    1) Yes you will, and there is no encryption which would prevent you from making modifications if you wish.

    2) Our themes are WordPress based, so if you have knowledge of mysql admin you can backup/obtain data from that side if you need to.

    3) Yes you can still use the theme, but if the subscription has expired you will no longer have access to theme updates or support. Thanks.

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