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Thread: Special fields on the form (back and front)

  1. #1
    Thread Starter
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Special fields on the form (back and front)

    Hi. I am interested in purchasing vantage's license, but I have a doubt, which is essential for my project

    My idea is to create a directory for all businesses in my town. It's important to note that my guide will contain different kind of business.

    1. What I need, is that the system allows me to create specific forms for each type of business (because the fields I need for a business that sells clothes, are not the same for a restaurant). Obviously, there will be fields in common for all business.

    2. Also I need that the system display the form, with the specific fields, in the back (admin who wants to create a new business) and in the front (business owner who wants to appear in the directory).

    Are these two things possible? I've tested the demo, and couldn't find them.

    Thanks for your help.

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    In answer to your questions:

    1. Vantage includes a custom form builder which allows you to create a listing form specific to a category, so what you describe is possible without customization.

    2. Yes, you can add listings via the WordPress admin dashboard as well as the front end (seeing all relevant fields). Thanks.

  3. #3
    Thread Starter
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    Hi Pepsi. I'm Pablo, the thread starter, thanks for your answer.

    I tested the custom form builder, and I see the specific fields for a specific category in the front end. This is great.

    What I want to know now is if the specific fields (created in the custom form builder) appear also in the back end (or if they are only for the front end).


  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    There was a custom fields meta box for the wp-admin added to the latest development build of the theme (which means it will be included in the next official release), so whilst it's not on the demo site for this reason, it is available to existing customers. Thanks.

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