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Thread: Special questions to Jobroller

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Special questions to Jobroller

    Hey folks,

    I have some questions about JobRoller.

    1. If i enable "Yes" on Email Notifications -> New Job Email, will I receive also Emails when a new Indeed-Job was added automatically or just when a REAL person add a new job?

    2. How can I display the Indeed-Jobs separate like this site (Sponsored Job Listings): ? Is this a plugin?
    I want it like this:

    - Featured Jobs
    - Sponsored Jobs
    - Latest Jobs

    3. Is it possible to create and give a Jobpack only to a special user? For Example: I want to get the user "Loremipsum" unlimited access to create free (featured) Jobs. All other users have to pay for that.

    Thats it for this moment :D


  2. #2
    jomarkosabel's Avatar
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    1. Only when a real person posted a job.

    2. This will may require some form of customization as the site you have referred to is a customized one of which is still using version 1.5.2. There may also commercial plugin offering that can do this.

    3. No option on this yet and will require additional functions to implement.
    Please help our moderating team work more efficiently by not sending us support questions via PM. You can read more about how AppThemes support works here. However, you can send a PM to follow up and remind me if I missed your support request/thread.

    Thank you and have a nice day.

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