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Thread: Stirng of Q's

  1. #1
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    Stirng of Q's

    I have quite a few questions.

    1. can information from a current classifieds site be imported into the classipress theme? Specifically AdPay platform ads.

    2. does your theme limit all other plugins that wordpress offers? i.e. do most wp plugins work, or is there a listing of ones that do?

    3. Is there a support option available for a monthly fee?

    4. are there any back end reports available?

    5. Are there options available for the featured ads that are charged for. Ideally, we would like to employ the same business model we have on currently. Free ads 14 days for all categories except garage sales, 7 days. free picture uploads, and video. $9.95 for featured placement at top of category list, or homepage and a listing extension of 90 days.

    6. is there an easy way to place ads on certain category pages in normal sizes. such as 300X250, and 728X90. So that if ads were sold to a car dealer, their ads could be placed with google ad manager or something similar on just the auto section of the site. while having other ads on different pages?

    sorry for the slew of questions, but I really like your set up, and would like to convince the guys with the money that it is worth while.

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Re: Stirng of Q's

    Hi, thanks for your questions. I may not be able to answer all of these but will try and clarify what I can and will find out the rest for you asap.

    1. I am not aware that this is possible, but is something I will check on.
    2. In my own experience, I haven't ever had issues with any plugins that I have decided to use, however it is impossible to know if every single one will work as they can't all be part of the testing process. There is however a list of recommended plugins which comes with CP, that have been tested. You can see the list here on the resources page:
    3. Currently the only support available is in the form of these forums, and this is support provided by volunteer moderators and other members of the CP community (and of course the CP owner when he's no busy working on the next release).
    4. Not built into CP, no.
    5. The upcoming version of CP (3.0), is currently in the beta testing phase. 3.0 has a built in ad package manager which will allow more flexibility in relation to this aspect.
    6. Something like what you're asking should be possible depending on the coding knowledge you (or the person working on your site) has. The beauty of ClassiPress is that is customizable and you can see this just by looking at some of the great looking sites features in the showcase thread.

  3. #3
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    Re: Stirng of Q's

    The back end reports I was thinking about were mainly, which categories are the most popular, or the ones that have the most post's.

    Also, do you know of anyone using the Facebook connect plugin to make it easy on facebookers who want to post a classified ad?

    Oh, Q5, what is your definition of a featured ad currently?

  4. #4
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    Re: Stirng of Q's

    Well, there is already a plugin (mentioned on the resources page) which tracks the number of page views per ClassiPress ad for the current day and cumulatively, so perhaps there is a plugin which already exists for the category side? Or perhaps someone could create one?

    Just from searching the forums, I have found at least one user who is using facebook connect on their CP site. Presumably there are more, I just don't know off the top of my head e.g.

    The current version has the following payment options available: fixed price per ad, % of sellers ad price, and price per category and option of a charge for featured ads. So you would be able to create the payment options you mentioned, but in the new version you will be able to create more pricing structures to suit.

    The featured ad option is currently shown in the demo on the homepage (just click the "Post a Classified" button and you'll see the check box at the bottom of the ad box)

  5. #5
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    Re: Stirng of Q's

    So you could make all categories free, and only charge for the featured category?

  6. #6
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Re: Stirng of Q's

    Quote Originally Posted by superDSW
    So you could make all categories free, and only charge for the featured category?
    Yes :)

  7. #7
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    Re: Stirng of Q's

    but you can't specify a different length in time for the featured ad rather than a regular ad?

  8. #8
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    Re: Stirng of Q's

    Man I'm amazed you are up....I guess nz time zone is different, but thank you for your time. Have a great day!

  9. #9
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Re: Stirng of Q's

    Quote Originally Posted by superDSW
    but you can't specify a different length in time for the featured ad rather than a regular ad?
    No you can't, at the moment there is only one overall setting for ad pruning, so it's one expiry time frame for all ads.

    Quote Originally Posted by superDSW
    Man I'm amazed you are up....I guess nz time zone is different, but thank you for your time. Have a great day!
    Yep, it's 9:30am over here so I have had my sleep already :D

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