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Thread: Storage of adresses and usage as a business directory

  1. #1
    Forum Member henrik99's Avatar
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    Storage of adresses and usage as a business directory


    we are interested in acquiring the Classipress theme. There are some questions on which we havent't found an answer yet.

    1. We want to use Classipress as a business directory. In which way are the adresses of the firms published in Wordpress? Is it via Custom Types?

    2. Are there any example sites where Classipress is used as a business directory?

    3. Is it possible to import adresses and other data belonging to this adresses in Classipress and if yes in which way can we import this data?


  2. #2
    jomarkosabel's Avatar
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    1. The listings are done through custom post types and and the addresses/location is done through custom fields.
    2. I have encountered some users with Classipress directory but we need to ask them first if they are willing to do so. However, you can check some here Showcase & Feedback | AppThemes Forum .
    3. There is no default facility yet but it is possible by directly manipulating the source data ie. sql.
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    Thank you and have a nice day.

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