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Thread: store for client in ClassPress

  1. #1
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    store for client in ClassPress

    Hello, congratulations for the theme ClassPress he is wonderful.

    I would love to buy thema, but I need exactly this model,

    I need to create a page within the listings for each company.

    Diser me know if that will be placed in the next update?

  2. #2
    samcy's Avatar
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    You can download ClassiPress after purchasing only in a kind of "standard edition", that looks exactly like the one on the demo site. If you like to use it in a different way, you are free to modify files accordingly to suit your needs. And by the way: Our themes are not encrypted.
    Rolf Hassel (Samcy)

  3. #3
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by samcy View Post

    You can download ClassiPress after purchasing only in a kind of "standard edition", that looks exactly like the one on the demo site. If you like to use it in a different way, you are free to modify files accordingly to suit your needs. And by the way: Our themes are not encrypted.

    but it will have a version something like the link I sent?

    I'm not a programmer, I am looking for a theme that meets my need.

  4. #4
    samcy's Avatar
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    but it will have a version something like the link I sent?
    Unfortunately NO.

    However we do have a Certified Partners page where you can find developers for hire if you wish to seek quotes of specific modifications like the one in your link. Please visit our certified partners here:
    Rolf Hassel (Samcy)

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