I am looking to rebuild my existing website ( and am wondering about using Vantage Directory Theme.
When this site was built we used eDirectory software and I am trying to avoid using this if I complete a major upgrade. The reasons for this are:
1. We get feedback advising us that our ‘Listing’ process is too complicated. (Users are generally older)
2. Any changes I need to make I have to get eDirectory to make a considerable cost to me. This is changes to buttons, page layout etc.
3. Would be a huge cost to rebuild with up to date software as I would need them to do this starting from scratch really.
My basic requirements are:
1. Something that I can download to my computer and work on to develop over a few weeks. Then loading up existing listings etc before moving it to a local hosting service for testing etc. (So RV Worldwide can continue (Hosted by eDirectory now after hosting issues locally) as at present in the mean time.)
2. Simple for users. From just browsing the site to completing a listing.
3. We presently have three different categories and have three listing levels within each category. (Presently ‘Basic/Free’, ‘Premium’ and ‘Showcase’)
4. As part of any upgrade our present Categories may change a little and we would like to have the facility to have different pricing structures within each category.
5. Discount code facility for promotions giving preferably a % discount or otherwise a fixed $ amount discount.
6. Ability to charge upfront for listings through PayPal or similar. (Our services are presently all free while we build up a database of listings however we cannot continue to do this for ever.)
7. As well as the categories you will notice we have an ‘Articles’ area which we need to continue and expand on.
8. As our users are often travelling a site which can be used simpler from a mobile devise may be an advantage also.
Please advise if you consider your software suitable to my requirements and what would be involved in using your product.
Thanks and Regards,
Stephen Smith
RV Worldwide