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Thread: Taskerr rebuild to classipress

  1. #1
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    Taskerr rebuild to classipress

    Dear Apptheme,

    I'm trying to find a suitable package as a basis for an advertisment website. It should provide a place to bid and sell products, just like the classipress theme supports. However, I find the design a bit old fashioned, in contrary with the Taskerr design which looks very clean. Is it possible to use the classipress functions (bidding/payment for raising advert etc) in the tasker theme? Or to apply the taskerr design on the classipress theme?

    Kind regards,

    P.S. couldn't select a Taskerr prefix for this thread :-) might be something nice to look at

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    The themes are designed as stand alone, and functionality cannot be integrated between them as you have described. Ultimately our themes are not encrypted, so you are of course free to make modifications to suit your needs. If ClassiPress offers the functionality you're looking for, but not the style, you could simply create a child theme to make it look the way you want it to. You can see examples in the ClassiPress customer showcase of customized versions of the theme which look different from the default. To clarify, ClassiPress does not have a bid feature as you have mentioned. Thanks.

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