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Thread: tech questions before I purchase classipress.

  1. #1
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    tech questions before I purchase classipress.

    Before I purchase classipress I have a couple questions.

    1. I would like users to be able to join my site for free but eveytime they post an ad I want it to cost money and expire within a certain time frame. Now I know you can set expiration dates for the ads. But my question is can I set multipe experation options? Ex: a 1 or 2 or 3 year experation option for the user to choose from for their ad.

    2. Also can I setup mutiple price options to go with the multiple expirations?

    3. In the ad my users are goin to post, I would like them to be able to upload mp3 media instead of pictures. Is this possible? I really hope so...

    Lastly, I need to know if when a user sets up a profile if they can upload a profile picture with it.

    Thank you for your time.

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    In answer to your questions:

    1. You can create multiple ad packages for the user to select from with the relevant price and time frame set on them as you can see from the settings on the ClassiPress admin demo.

    2. As above, yes, based on different ad packages created by you.

    3. Uploading mp3 files is not a default option of the theme and would require customization on your part.

    The image used in the user profile is linked to their email address/ account. Thanks.

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