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Thread: Is the Theme allready built when buying?

  1. #1
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    Guest sherian69's Avatar

    Is the Theme allready built when buying?

    when I buy the Theme is it allready finished like the Demo (I just have to put in Data) or do I have to start from scratch(which will be a lot of work)?

    and does paypal allready work within the Themes, so I just have to connect with my paypal acount to get payments (never did this before)?

    I know there are Gateways for more payments(marketplace) but they are all from America, how can I find out if there are German Gateways that work with the theme?
    I think maybe this is cheaper(clearing creditcard) within the own country, not sure...

    thanks for your support

    sheridan :-()

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    The demo site includes all features and functionality that are included with the theme, but yes you have to add your own data (categories), and configure sidebars and settings including custom forms from the admin dashboard. The work is already done in terms of what the theme has to offer, but you do need to take time to go through and do the initial setup. Yes, PayPal is already built into the theme so you just need to create a PayPal account. The payment gateway plugins are not all based in the US, but you may need to read through the information on the payment gateways own sites regarding supported countries, this will help determine if your currency is supported. Thanks.

  3. #3
    Guest sheridan69's Avatar
    thank you Pepsi very good

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    You're welcome :)

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