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Thread: Which Theme/s Could I Use To??

  1. #1
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    Which Theme/s Could I Use To??


    I have never purchased software like this so I need some assistance to determine if any of your themes suit what I need my website to do.

    The Idea -

    I need a website that acts as a Directory for Brick and Mortar businesses i.e geographical location, maps, opening hours, description of business, logo/image of business etc.

    I need these to be categorized under titles such as, Restaurants, Hair & Beauty, Automotive etc, and also search for business by category and location/zip code etc

    I would like to charge businesses a fee to have their business listed in the directory (presumably and annual fee) however the site is to predominately promote the sales/specials that are happening in the businesses that are listed on my website for example the automotive business that I have listed for the month of February may have 20% off tyres or Buy 4 Tyres for the price of 3 etc. I need the businesses that have listed in my directory to be able to edit their listing to show all of their current sales and promotions. But I would like for Businesses to only have limited access to what they can post/edit on the site.

    It would kind of be like -

    Go to the directory
    find the business by searching a location and then a business category
    select a business category and click into it to see what specials they have - I picture the specials to appear like individual coupons stating the nature of the special, the terms and expiry date however the coupons don't need to be printed out.

    Do you have a theme that would allow me to run my site the way I need it to be

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Vantage is our business directory theme, but it doesn't have the offers functionality you describe. Our separate theme, Clipper is for offers/coupons, so if that is the primary functionality of your site then this may be the closest match. You may still need additional customization in order for it to really work as you envision as it does appear you're looking for a combination of both themes. Whilst AppThemes does not offer customization services, we do have a certified partners page where you can find developers for hire who are experienced at working with our themes.

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