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Thread: Are There Featured Listing Limits? etc...

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Are There Featured Listing Limits? etc...


    Two questions about Vantage.

    There appear to be 2 areas where people can buy featured listings, on the home page and on a category page. A page is only so long, so... how does this work? Does Vantage quit selling featured listings when (lets say) 5 slots have already been purchased for the home page? Or, is there no limit to how many slots are sold? In which case, how does the programming decide what listings to put where? Does the whole page become featured, is it first come first serve? Or are the spaces rotated every time you land on the page?

    As you can see, I cannot calculate my potential earnings as I have no idea how many slots are available and if the number shown in the featured area can be set by me. Can you clarify how this works?

    There are obviously several others trying to understand about recurring billing. Can you clarify if this is something you plan to offer in the future at any point or if AppThemes does not plan to offer recurring billing with Vantage at all?

    Please answer the question and also help me understand something else... if you do not plan to offer it in the future, will you partner with any other services like Spreedly whose plugin would make subscriptions possible?

    It is difficult to understand what the long term success of this theme will offer my business if you will not provide a way for our customers to set up recurring billing. Please help me make a sound purchase by advising me on whether this is something you expect to offer with the theme.

    Thank you!


  2. #2
    Thread Starter
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar addition to question 2,

    If I were to locate a wordpress plugin that handles subscription/recurring billing, is there any reason it would not cooperate with Vantage?

  3. #3
    dubya's Avatar
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    Hi Rebekah.
    1. Your customers can choose to pay for one or both. Listings that are featured on the home page are not featured on a category page. And vice-verso. If you sell a lot of featured listings, they will paginate and be listed before any non-featured listings, just like how featured posts would on most regular WordPress themes.
    Currently, there are no limits on how many listings may be featured. There are, however, some major improvements to the featured listings logic in the works for Vantage 1.1

    2. Currently, automated recurring billing is not built in. Here's how it works: When a listing is nearing expiry, the customer gets emails reminding them that their listing is about to expire, and then another reminding them to re-list once it actually expires. So, for now, your customers will need to log in and click the "re-list" button every once in a while. The Dev Team has discussed automated recurring billing, but that is not something that is currently in the works.

    Please let me know if you have any additional questions.
    The search button. Your new best friend.
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  4. #4
    dubya's Avatar
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    Whoops! I missed your 2nd post.
    While I am not aware of any reason that it would not work, we cannot guarantee compatibility with every plugin out there.
    The search button. Your new best friend.
    - Dubya

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