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Thread: Two different Jobs Boards (Jobs Listings) using one theme?

  1. #1
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    Two different Jobs Boards (Jobs Listings) using one theme?


    We plan to buy Jobroller theme but before we would like to ask this question:

    Is it possible to create two different Jobs Boards (Jobs Listings) using one theme?

    I ask because we need create two different Jobs Listings for Canada and US jobs.
    If users login form Canada it displays only Canadian Jobs Listing, if from US, it displays only US jobs.

    Is it possible to realize this?

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    JobRoller won't automatically separate listings into location as such, but you can certainly use the same installation for both countries and the customer can simply search for the relevant location for results. If you were to take it further to actually have them select a location before seeing any listings then this could also be done, but would require customization on your part. JobRoller is not encrypted, so you are free to make modifications if you wish. Thanks.

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