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Thread: Two pre-purchase questions (geolocation map & existing listings)

  1. #1
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    Two pre-purchase questions (geolocation map & existing listings)

    We are currently using another Directory theme hence two questions:

    - If we buy the VANTAGE, what happens to our existing directory listings, categories, tags etc ?
    Do we need to recreate all the categories/tags etc again so that the old listings will re-appear ?

    - Does the google map on home page offer geolocation based search/listing option ? Have seen another theme that does that.

    Thank you so much.

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Vantage makes use of custom post types, so if your current theme does not, then listings will not appear in the correct location in terms of a straight theme activation. Vantage has a built in .csv importer, so ideally you would import listings that way to ensure listings are in the right place. Other related documentation relating to importing can be found here and here.

    Not built into the theme, but you can find an add-on in the AppThemes marketplace which offers this functionality here, if this is what you're referring to? Thanks.

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