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Thread: Unlimited ads for 30 days ?

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Unlimited ads for 30 days ?


    is there an option to charged users a fixed amount(let's say €10) for a period of time(let's say 30 days) and this will give them possibility to enter unlimited ads ?

    probably there is an answer for that in the main forum but it says "You must be an AppThemes customer and logged in to view this response."

  2. #2
    jomarkosabel's Avatar
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    Mar 2009
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    Yes there is the Membership Packs option which enables your customers to post unlimited ads for a set period of time or until the membership becomes inactive.
    Please help our moderating team work more efficiently by not sending us support questions via PM. You can read more about how AppThemes support works here. However, you can send a PM to follow up and remind me if I missed your support request/thread.

    Thank you and have a nice day.

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