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Thread: upload word doc ?

  1. #1
    Thread Starter
    Guest DanB's Avatar

    upload word doc ?

    On the Jobroller demo site, and applyig for a job, uploading a CV as a Word doc ( .doc OR .docx ) fails –*it brings up a security warning. This is despite the .doc (not .docx ) extension being listed in the 'allowed formats'.

    I realise there is a thread covering this on the main forum, however I am not yet a customer so can't view the answer. And unless I know the answer, I might not become a customer!

    So, my question is: can .doc AND .docx files be uploaded to Jobroller via CV upload when candidates apply online to a vacancy?

    Thanks, Dan

  2. #2
    dubya's Avatar
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    May 2009
    Thanked 107 Times in 93 Posts
    Hi Dan.
    Yes, that has been disabled on the demo site.
    The cv upload fields will allow .zip, .pdf, .doc, .txt, and .rtf files only.

    EDIT: And yes, .docx files as well. Sorry, almost missed that aspect of your question.
    The search button. Your new best friend.
    - Dubya

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