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Thread: User registration

  1. #1
    Forum Member pinenut's Avatar
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    User registration

    Is it difficult to change it so that users need to register too? Like in TutorLink in the showcase themes - you cannnot access the contact information until you have logged in too?
    Also, how easy is it to change all the titles on the site. Like the headings for the ad listings and the text anywhere on the template?

    Do you have more links to others using this theme?

    thanks, great theme

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    By default, the theme requires that users are registered before they can post ads. If you wish to also lock down the contact form in the ad sidebar, this is a setting in the ClassiPress admin. All the ad titles and descriptions and completed when an ad is filled out, so changing the text is as easy as editing the ad.

    You can also find more examples in the Showcase & Feedback section of the forums.

  3. #3
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    this is just fine that registration must be mandatory before posting the ads.

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