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Thread: Using Classipress as a Job ad listing site?

  1. #1
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    Using Classipress as a Job ad listing site?


    I was looking into purchasing Classipress since I liked it's layout and design compared to jobroller.

    However I wanted to use the template more as a job ad listing site within a specific niche and basically do what Jobroller does.

    I want to be able to offer a user-interface for both
    the employers who post adds etc. and the employee who can upload a personal cv. and apply for jobs.

    The ad listing and membership are both initially free.
    Depending on how it all goes, I might want to implement a membership fee for employees and well as a add-listing fee for employers.

    I was wondering if these things can be done on classipress - maybe with minimal codding?

    Or do you suggest I choose JobRoller for this instead?

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    From what you describe, regardless of which theme you choose, it would require some customization on your part, because there are some features not yet available in either of the themes.

    Personally, I think you would be better off going with the JobRoller theme, because this is designed for the actual purpose you want the site for and it continues to be developed to include additional features and functions related to a Job site..

    As of yet though, JobRoller does not offer different user types (although it is a popular feature request and something we will likely see in a future release), this is the same with the upload CV option. In terms of the actual look of JobRoller, again, you can customize this to your liking also..

    Ultimately it's up to you, as either theme can be customized to suit, it just really depends on your level of coding knowledge..

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