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Thread: Using Classipress as a membership site... is it possible?

  1. #1
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    blase40's Avatar
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    Using Classipress as a membership site... is it possible?

    Hi all. I am looking to create a site for a client that will allow for consumers to post "want ads" regarding work they want to have done on their homes... for example if somebody needs to have their roof re-shingled they can post the specifications of the job.

    I need these consumers to post the jobs for free. I then need to have "members" that are either contractors or construction companies. These guys will have to pay a monthly fee, but it will allow them to obtain the contact information of whoever is posting the want ad.

    Is this something that can be accomplished with Classipress? I realize it will probably involve some additional coding or other plugins.

    Does anyone have any ideas if, and how easily this could be accomplished?


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Re: Using Classipress as a membership site... is it possible?

    This is definitely achievable, but as you say, would require a certain amount of customisation with regards to relevant fields etc. As for how easy it is, I suppose comes down to the skill of the coder? I believe there are some examples of people who are using CP for similar kind of things (job boards).. so you could check the showcase thread perhaps or even a search for "job boards" could bring results for examples..

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