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Thread: Using JobRoller with Existing Theme

  1. #1
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    Using JobRoller with Existing Theme


    We like the features of JobRoller a lot, but need to know if there's some way to use it with an existing theme we have already developed.

    If that's not possible, do you have or can someone recommend a WordPress plug-in that does something comparable?


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    If you have an existing theme you wish to retain for your website, you could always install JobRoller in a subdirectory, e.g: <== Your existing homepage <== Your JobRoller installation

    You could then restyle JobRoller to match your existing homepage, giving the site visitor a more seamless experience. The theme is not designed to be used inside of another theme in the way that a plugin is. Thanks.

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