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Thread: Using More Than One App On A Single Site

  1. #1
    Forum Member seoextra's Avatar
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    Using More Than One App On A Single Site


    I have just come across your site and I am extremely excited at the prospect of some of the apps. One question, and forgive me if it is a stupid one, can you use more than one app on a single site?

    Basically I am looking to create a business directory that will also enable people to sell things through a classified section. For this I think that Vantage and Classipress would be perfect if they could be combined into a single site.

    Thinking about it, if I could add JobRoller too I think that I would have everything that I would ever need.

    Many thanks,


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Each of the products are stand alone themes, so they are not designed to be used all on one WordPress installation as they each require their own instance of WordPress to run.

    What you could do however, is consider installing the various themes on their own subdirectory such as this:

    e.g. <== Your Vantage installation (or other) <== Your ClassiPress installation <== Your JobRoller installation

    To take it further, these could all be set up on a multisite network in order to allow one login across all the installations. With some styling to make all the themes "match", you would have the appearance of one unified website.

  3. #3
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    That sounds like a great solution, thank you for your reply.

    I will hold out until all three are available and then make my purchase.

    Thanks again,


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