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Thread: Using vantage with ClassiPress

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Using vantage with ClassiPress

    We are running Classipress for one of our sites witha blog. (See: but would like to add the Vantage business directory as the Resources section of the same site. Can they be combined so the functionality of the business directory part of Vantage works with the rest of our Classipress theme? Also, I'm assuming the review functionality can be turned off. Is that correct? Lastly, I'm assuming under popular categories, you can also set up sub categories as well? Thanks for any info in advance you can provide. We are very happy so far with the way the Classipress theme is working. Using these two themes together would tie everything together in one neat little package. -Jen

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Hi Jen, the themes aren't designed to be used on a single installation as they require their own instance of WordPress to run, so essentially you'd need to look at installing Vantage in a subdirectory in order to use them together. Once styled, they can appear as if they are one single website.

    e.g. <==Your ClassiPress installation <== Your Vantage installation

    And if you want user logins to link between themes then a good option would be to use a WordPress multisite setup.

    Ratings cannot be turned off via the Vantage admin dashboard, so this would require some theme modification if you wanted to do this. All categories and sub-categories are set up by you, and the "Popular Categories" widget will display categories and subcategories.

    We're pleased to hear you are happy with the ClassiPress theme, and your ClassiPress site looks very nice by the way :)

  3. #3
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Turning off reviews

    Hi there, Thanks very much for the answers. As long as I know the reviews portion can be turned off even if it's not in the dashboard, I'm good with that. I think we may just give it a try. -Jen

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    You're welcome :)

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