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Thread: Vantage + Critic

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Vantage + Critic

    1. Can you search by rating or have that as a sortable property in the results?
    2. Is the Critic review created on a product page?
    3. How does it integrate into Vantage to provide product reviews?
    4. I will have multiple listings providing the same product (maybe French Bread for bakeries) but the product will be different, so the review needs to be unique to the specific listing + product. Is that possible?
    5. is there any more information on the Critic product?

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    1. This is not currently a default feature of the theme, so it would require customization on your part if you were looking to allow this.
    2. Vantage already has a review feature built into it, so the plugin isn't required for that theme specifically.
    3. In Vantage, business listings are essentially services which can be rated, if you used products instead of listings then it would work in the same way.
    4. Reviews are specific to listings as seen on the Vantage demo site.
    5. All information regarding the plugin is available on the marketplace product page itself. Thanks.

  3. #3
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    can Vantage listings have multiple items?

    The Critic page states this:

    Critic was originally built to fill a need in our Marketplace (no other quality plugin existed). Each item needed customer reviews so sellers could receive feedback and potential customers could feel confident with their purchase."

    Can each Vantage listing have items, or is an item just referenced in the review/rating?
    What is unique to Critic over the reviews/ratings capabilities in Vantage or unique to the other reviews rating plug-ins available?

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    As per the FAQ on the Critic plugin marketplace page

    Does this work with AppThemes’ themes?
    Not quite yet (as of v1.1.1). We plan on styling and testing this plugin with all our core themes for the next release.
    Vantage v1.3 has just been released, so I'll need to check if it has been tested further but at this point as mentioned, it's not specifically designed for use with Vantage (which already has this functionality built in), it's more or a plugin for other WP themes at this point.

    In Vantage, each listing can have multiple reviews, it's no for "items" as such". Thanks.

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