If we organized some type of fund for the vantage theme, and for that matter the sage theme, and had members donate money to that fund, would that help speed up delivery time?
The development team has priorities and so it is not likely to work that way. However, I will refer this thread to them so they can comment on it.
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ahhh people cant wait more :D:D .... so Appthemes should speed up their work but of course it cant be completed before its required natural time otherwise its quality would suffer.
well jobroller and clipper have been completed and classipress is about to complete, so i guess vantage will get more attention now .... still 60% work is completed and release date is yet to be announced, as shows the status here: WordPress Theme Release Status | AppThemes http://imagicon.info/cat/5-5/1.gif
I'm in 2 minds whether i'll wait till Vantage is completed or seek other platforms.
Can you please post more detailed designs of the theme, the release tracker displays that it's in code mode now so I'm sure a lot of people would appreciate seeing the home / inner results / detailed listing screens.