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Thread: Vantage listing question

  1. #1
    Forum Member namebutler's Avatar
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    Vantage listing question

    I like the theme but I'm wondering about the listings.

    I'm assuming that I have complete control over how much info I can create for each listing (address, menu, website etc).

    What I'm wondering about is the following.

    With the claim listing feature I'd want to do the following.

    I create a very basic listing (address, phone). Created by me.

    When the business "claims" the listing they pay to include additional info (menu, Google map etc.).

    Does this make sense?


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Yes, you can use the default listing form, or create a custom one if you prefer.

    If you create a listing, only adding in the bare minimum information, and a business claims the listing, then yes they can certainly edit and complete the additional fields you have available. This includes uploading a file such as a menu in .pdf format, however the Google map option is a sidebar widget, and not specific to certain listings. It is not currently an option in the default theme to charge them for editing and adding this information though, as payment settings are related to actually creating the listing, or making the listing "featured" on the site (as shown on the Vantage admin demo). I hope this information helps and covers what you're trying to clarify, however if you have more questions, please do not hesitate to ask. Thanks :)

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