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Thread: Vantage Pre-Sales Questions

  1. #1
    Jason B.
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    Vantage Pre-Sales Questions


    I have a question regarding the listings pages with Vantage. Is it possible to embed videos (hosted on YouTube or Vimeo) on the detailed listing page for a business? (I would use the embed code generated by Youtube, etc.). Also, can I post a "gallery" of photos on the individual listings pages? (i.e., I would like the business to be able to upload a few photos for their listing)


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Hi Jason, as you can see from the specific listing on the Vantage demo site, you can insert YouTube embed code into the description part of the listing and it will appear. On that page you can also see how inserted images appear in the listing. Thanks.

  3. #3
    Jason B.
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    RE: Vantage Pre-Sales Questions

    Oh, great. Thank you!

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    You're welcome :)

  5. #5
    Jason B.
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    RE: Vantage Pre-Sales Questions

    One last question....

    Can you please give me a little more detail regarding the standard vs. developer versions? I see that with the developer version, I get the photoshop (.psd) files. I'm not the developer, but I will be installing and setting this theme up and then working with a developer to customize the look for me. So I'm not as familiar with what I can change with / without the photoshop files.

    For example, can I customize the look of the header area without the photoshop files? (i.e., put in my own name and logo, etc.). I guess what I'm trying to understand is exactly what do the photoshop files entail and what sorts of changes would they be required for, versus what sorts of changes can I make without them?


  6. #6
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Hi Jason, The Photoshop .psd files contain information relating to the layout sizes, colours etc used in the default template for the various pages used in the theme. Essentially it will save time in having to collate this information yourself, but you can still make modifications to the theme without them. You still need knowledge of .css in order to make use of the files.
    If you purchase the standard license and the developer you are working with advises they would like the files, then you can always upgrade to developer license at a later time. There is no encryption in the files of either license type which would prevent you from customizing it. Thanks.

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