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Thread: Vantage questions

  1. #1
    bumpybump's Avatar
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    Vantage questions

    Newbie to Wordpress! Have installed Wordpress. Now going to buy the Vantage theme, but to be sure it's Vantage I need and not Classipress has anybody got any examples of websites running on the Vantage theme. (I have looked at the demo's but would still like to see a few examples. Also, when I install the theme, can anybody tell me what are the essential plugins I need ie regards security, stopping spammers, hacking etc.

    Many thanks

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Yes, you can find many great examples of each theme in our AppThemes customers showcase. These are actual live sites, so you'll get an idea of the various uses people have for both themes, and you can find some plugin recommendations here and here. Thanks :)

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