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Thread: Vantage questions

  1. #1
    Char J
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    Vantage questions

    I am not sure where to direct the questions below to the vantage theme or child directory creator :)

    So here goes does the child theme over ride the parent.

    Can I use a picture for header while using a child theme, if so what are the dimensions for the header?

    In addition, where could I find the correct size for the images for the logo and other images?

    Can I change the background uploading a picture?

    Can the “It’s a Sample Pages” become the home page?

    Can I make additional “It’s a Sample Pages”?

    Can the blog become fee based?

    Can a customer click on the logo/image inserted by a business and print it, for example on the child directory demo there is an image of a sandwich that pops out when click on, when I right clicked it allows for printing but it froze. I am wondering if it froze because its in demo mode or not allowed. Kindly advice.

    Also, some business will not have to pay to join the site and some will so how does that square with the payment system? I could not find anything in the demo that shows I could do that.

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Child themes inherit the functionality of another theme, so not so much overwriting it as to enhancing and adding to what is already existent in the parent theme. You can read more about this in the WordPress codex. If you're creating your own child theme, we have more documentation relating to this here so you have an idea of what is involved, but basically if you are looking to make any code changes, that is, changes that are outside of what you can configure within the admin dashboard, then we recommend that you do create a child theme. This will make things a lot easier when you're updating the theme itself as you won't wipe out all of your modifications. Our themes are not encrypted, so when it comes to "can I make XYZ changes?" yes you technically can, if you have the coding knowledge to do so. All of the files are included when you purchase the theme so you can access sizes etc then. The Vantage customer showcase can give you some good examples of customizations that other customers have made with the default theme. The theme is not designed to use a standard page as the homepage, so doing so may require customization to get all the normal homepage links/features working correctly. Yes you could print an image used in a listing.
    Vantage is designed to allow you to charge users to place listings, but the blog function itself is not set up for that as it's generally accessed by the admin only. You also cannot charge users to register by default. Thanks.

  3. #3
    Char J
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    Guest Char J's Avatar
    Thanks so much just a few more questions.

    I understand that the system can charge to place a listing, however some business are getting free listings so my question is can I do that I didn't see how to in the demo. Or can varying codes be used?

    Also can additional pages be created for terms of service and privacy and linked to the footer?

    I not sure if you can answer this question as it may be for the hosting company, after the products I want, completing the hosting part, can I edit/set up the theme without it going live?

    Sorry for all the questions just not completely sure what to expect.

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    There is no functionality within the theme to charge for anything other than listing related items such as listing itself, featured listings, claiming ownership of a listing. Anything outside of that would require customization on your part. You can create whatever pages you like, so if you wish to do that and create links you could (also requires customization for the link placement you describe).
    There are WordPress plugins you can use which can put your site in maintenance mode and therefore you can work on it without it being published, yes. No problem about the questions, it's good that you clarify as much as you can before you purchase :) Thanks.

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