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Thread: Vantage questions - show limited content for basic listings

  1. #1
    Mike the App Guy
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    Vantage questions - show limited content for basic listings

    I tried to do a search and found a little about this, but I would like to show only limited information for the Basic (free) listings. I don't want to show name, address, phone number, email, website, Facebook, etc. I only want to show the name and city.

    There was a "tutorial" about this, but it looked to be a pain to do this. Has this been incorporated into the Vantage theme out of the box?

    Second, how hard is it to use/link the custom forms to the page where someone claims a listing?

    Finally, are the only payment options PayPal and bank transfer?

  2. #2
    Mike the App Guy
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    Guest Mike the App Guy's Avatar
    Also, the default title on the home page says "business listings". Can I change this to say something different? For example, if I want this to say "Dentist Listings", can I do that?

  3. #3
    pepsi's Avatar
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    The information you don't want to appear on a free listing are on all listings by default, so it would require customization on your part if you were looking to hide these fields based on the listing type. Not sure in what way you want to link the custom forms? But essentially if you're wanting to change the claim listing page, it would involve modification of theme files as opposed to editing an actual page as such. Other payment gateway plugins are available from the AppThemes marketplace. Changing default text i.e. "Business listings" can be done through modification as mentioned above. Vantage is not encrypted, so you are free to make changes if you wish.

    AppThemes does not offer customization services, however we do have a certified partners page where you can find developers for hire who are experienced at working with our themes. Thanks.

  4. #4
    Mike the App Guy
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    Guest Mike the App Guy's Avatar

    One other question about basic listings

    Thank you very much for your responses! I want to clarify about the custom forms, and ask a follow up question if I may.

    First, about the custom forms. I swear I saw a demo of how this works somewhere, but I want to make sure I have this clear. Say I am building a Certified Public Accountant Directory, and, as a part of the process to add a listing, I want to have a question, using a radio button or something, that asks "Do you certify that you are a Certified Public Accountant with an active license in your state, and have completed all required training and continuing education for your field"? (and there would be a place to check yes or no. I would like to have this as a part of the listing process, where they are filling in their name, email, website, etc. Can this be done? Can a custom form like this be a part of the registration for a listing?

    Second, if I am moderating all listings before they go live, couldn't I simply delete any extra information from a Basic Listing that I don't want to show up in the directory?

  5. #5
    pepsi's Avatar
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    As you can see from the custom form builder on the Vantage admin demo, yes you can create fields which are "required" so essentially you could force the response of such a field in order for the person to proceed through the listing process. If you're referring to customization of the actual registration form though, you can find some documentation here relating to that.
    You could delete the information entered yes, but the fields themselves would still appear on the listing. Also, the user could always go back and edit it too. Thanks.

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