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Thread: Vantage vs WP Directory Portal

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Vantage vs WP Directory Portal

    I am curious to know what the creators of Vantage have to say about the theme - Directory Portal Wordpress (offered on, a direct theme competitor.

    What are your positives, when compared to their theme?

    Looking forward to your answer...

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    For me personally, not having used their product I can only make some comparisons based on what I see of the other product from the TF site. And I'm going to assume that since you're doing your homework before buying a product that you have already gone through the features information of both themes (DPW and Vantage) to determine which of these offers what you're looking for. There are some obvious visual differences between themes (which ultimately comes down to personal preference), with many similar features.

    Support for all of our themes is carried out here in the AppThemes forums, and we have a large, active community, and a dedicated support team to assist our customers. We believe that whilst there may be many companies offering products for similar purposes, with similar features, sometimes all is not what it seems when it comes to actually using said product. The team behind the product is highly important, and being well established in comparison to other theme companies out there, means that AppThemes does offer what many do not/can not in terms of support and quality products. Another positive for Vantage is that is is highly customizable, with some great examples of what can be done with the theme in the AppThemes customer showcase. We also offer a marketplace where you can purchase add-ons specifically for our themes including additional payment gateways, child themes and more.

    Like all of our themes, we do continue to develop and improve on the products we have, and there are some exciting new features coming in the next major release of Vantage (v1.2), which isn't all that far away. This again will step Vantage up in terms of what the theme itself offers. Thanks.

  3. #3
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    If I purchase the theme now and start uploading businesses, with the next update modify or cause any type of problem?

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    You won't lose data or settings in the process of an upgrade, however if you have made modifications to the default theme then yes these would be overwritten in the process of an upgrade. Our recommendation is that if you are planning to customize the theme, you create a child theme in order to prevent losing all of your changes. You should always back up before proceeding with any upgrade though :)

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