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Thread: Voting banner

  1. #1
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    Guest Max's Avatar

    Voting banner

    Hi !

    My first question is ranking related . I don't see any voting banner features in demo . Is there a easy way i could eventually add this myself ?

    Example : Some user post his site listing and gets approved . He will then have a html voting code available in his dashboard/singe listing page , which he can use to embbed a small banner image on his site . His site users/visitors will click it , and they will be redirected to the vantage single listing page where he will be promted to vote ( as i seen on other scripts , here is necessary to add a gateway with a captcha code to prevend vote fraud/bots ) . Demo : 1st here , or .

    And second one , same area > banners . I need more features on the paying plans regarding this . Again , example :

    All listings now display a 50px thumbnail on the main page . I will need different pricing plans with specified banner sizes for each . free listing can keep the current size (50px thumbnail ) and premium/featured listings will be allowed to upload a fixed size banner . Is this possible with the current form creator ? Demo .

    Thank you !

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    This is not a default feature of the theme so would require customization on your part if you were looking to add this. Vantage is not encrypted, so you are free to make such changes if you wish. We don't offer customization services, however we do have a certified partners page where you can find developers for hire who are experienced at working with our themes. Thanks.

  3. #3
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    Guest Max's Avatar


    Uhm , what's the point of this forum section , if all the questions/requests here are getting the same 'copy/paste' response ? What exactly is not "the default feature of the theme " ?! Did you atleast read the post before replying ? There are some feature highlights on vantage theme : 'Flexible, Powerful Pricing Plans' and 'Sky’s the Limit with Custom Forms' so i asked for details : Does the form creator support a custom field to specify fixed size banner upload ?! Maybe the pricing plans have this options ? The last version demo has a 'allowed extension' setting on the upload file . Will a image size setting be added in a upcoming update ? Or the voting banner feature ?

    I have provided 2 demos in OP , so you can see that some niche themes/scripts competitors have this options available . What sort of marketing strategy is this ? 'Redirecting' new costumers to 'certified partners' to pay extra for lacking features ? I'm guessing that a 100$ theme doesnt include costumer support , so i should also look for some of your partners , eh ?

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    My response that what you describe "isn't a default feature" means, no, you can't add a voting banner to a listing using the custom form builder. The custom form builder allows you to create a custom listing form with additional fields, but not specifically what you mentioned. Yes they can add images to their listing, but it won't redirect them to another URL. You can see what the options for the custom form are here on the Vantage admin demo. There are no additional options regarding image size.

    At the end of the day, you can technically make any modifications to the theme you wish to, given the coding knowledge to do so. To clarify though, AppThemes does not officially support customizations, so if you are seeking to purchase a theme which includes support for customizations you with to make to it (i.e. features that aren't included that you wish to have), then this theme may not be suitable for your project. Thanks.

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