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Thread: I want to buy But need some changes

  1. #1
    Prashant Kumar
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    I want to buy But need some changes

    I want to buy Job roller theme but I need some changes. First I want to change theme name in my directory. For example my website is and when anyone opens source code, a general theme shows address for theme like as but I want Job having theme name example. So it will be show as

    Second Can I make changes like putting adsense codes, other ads coding in the theme coding in Single Theme Standard plan. because I am using many ad companies.

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    AppThemes does not offer customization services, however we do have a certified partners page where you can find developer for hire. If you make contact directly with an outline of your requirements, they will be able to provide a quote for the work.

    JobRoller has some built in ad spots which you can configure from the JobRoller admin dashboard for header and single listing page spots. There you can insert your own Image/Link HTML or JavaScript. Thanks.

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