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Thread: I want to buy your script

  1. #1
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    Guest Nika's Avatar

    I want to buy your script


    I want to buy your script, but I need to Classified could ad for free, without registration, but the Featured Ads with the registration

    I need to add in the search form ( city )

    and in the form of ads Country: offers only Russia, but the city I want to ad himself (as an administrator to add or fail through ftp. And for google map is same country Russia and city from dr-dn menu/

    Hide the State (Russia no states)

    how much will it cost me? Thenks

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Yes, you can set your ads to be free to list, and with some minor code change you can customize the theme so that users aren't required to register first. (There are other members of the CP community who are doing this, with a quick member shared tutorial within the forums).. But to clarify, the out-of-the box theme requires user registration.

    The search field will search by location when you type in the location you require - so this will work. There are plans for a future release of ClassiPress to improve on this with a custom filter widget (however this is not currently available).

    Yes, you can customize the ad form and set the field values so that Russia is the only available country options, and the same with the default USA states, you can update the field values to that of your country. The custom ad form will allow you to add and remove whatever fields you wish. This is all managed from within the ClassiPress admin dashboard without any code changes required.

    You can find prices for the ClassiPress licences here

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