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Thread: i want has more feauter on VANTAGE Themes

  1. #1
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    Guest Mr.Jaa's Avatar

    i want has more feauter on VANTAGE Themes

    How about if i want more feature on Vantage themes :

    1, Businesser acc can post more info , beside introduce infomations ( info, picture , positon on map, vote , review ) about them , i want they ablility add more infos into your acc, eg : chat icon ( yahoo , skype ...) , feature acc VIP ( ability add more picture ,has more ability post their sale of ,their promotion with time .

    2, On home page , i can get any catology become menu list . I have 1 more menu list importion is SALE OFF ( it will summary all post about sale off of acc VIP follow time ) .

    3, On catalogy page - business listing, beside show all directory has tag is that catology , i want 1 wildget summary all post about sale off of that catalogy VIP acc .

    4, on business listing page , i want beside business name , picture thumnail , which catalogy listed, address , description, also have 1 row show their sale off post .

    Thanks a lot if you can reply it to me by email :

  2. #2
    dimitris's Avatar
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    Hi Mr.Jaa

    1, Businesser acc can post more info , beside introduce infomations ( info, picture , positon on map, vote , review ) about them , i want they ablility add more infos into your acc, eg : chat icon ( yahoo , skype ...) , feature acc VIP ( ability add more picture ,has more ability post their sale of ,their promotion with time .
    You can use the custom fields to create custom forms for specific categories.So for instance you create an extra paragraph for categories cars and insert more information in that paragraph.

    2, On home page , i can get any catology become menu list . I have 1 more menu list importion is SALE OFF ( it will summary all post about sale off of acc VIP follow time ) .
    This feature is not supported.All categories are under the main 'Categories' menu.

    3, On catalogy page - business listing, beside show all directory has tag is that catology , i want 1 wildget summary all post about sale off of that catalogy VIP acc .
    Could you please explain more this concept.

    4, on business listing page , i want beside business name , picture thumnail , which catalogy listed, address , description, also have 1 row show their sale off post .
    By default each listing includes the fields/information : title, address, category, phone number, facebook fan page, twitter, website, images and description.You can also create new custom fields for a particular category.Please check the back end demo Vantage->listings->Custom fields.

    Please let me know if you need further assistance.

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