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Thread: Want to purchase JobRoller but have reservations

  1. #1
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    Want to purchase JobRoller but have reservations

    I like what I saw with JobRoller, unfortunately there are two issues holding me back from purchasing it outright.

    First, It only supports the Indeed API. I want use SimplyHired and as popular as seems to be I find it bizarre that there are few or no API extensions or add-ons for it with either WordPress or Joomla, yet Indeed API support seems to be everywhere, which is frustrating to me since I am not a fan of Indeed.

    Second, and this is key, as nice as the theme looks, it all looks the same. I can spot a JobRoller site instantly. I don't want my site to look like a thousand other job boards. There are themes out there that are so customizable - from the back end even, that you would hardly recognize it as a WordPress theme. Personally I think JobRoller makes a fantastic WordPress extension and it would be great if it was really just that, and let me use my own customized theme.

    I'm a user, not a coder, so I would be willing to pay full price for such an extension, but sheesh, the front end is so cookie-cutter that no matter what color I make the banner or what logo I put on it, it still looks like the same ol' JobRoller theme that everyone else is using.

    I really, really want to purchase this, but those are the two things holding me back. Most of the other job board extensions I've found are junk, but I don't want to be locked into a theme that works well but locked into one rotten choice for backfill API and conform to one single theme design that makes my site look like the McDonald's of job boards and gives new meaning to the phrase "all job boards look alike to me."

    If I want to look like everyone else I might as well just forget building my own job board and do a Job-a-matic site. At least I can build my own style of header and won't have to worry about the API. Seriously, is there no option with this theme for customizing the header other than changing the colors, changing the size of the banner ads or re-arranging the menus?

  2. #2
    jomarkosabel's Avatar
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    Currently, Jobroller supports only Indeed. However, you can implement some other API through code customization. The same with the looks of the theme you can modify it through custom coding. The theme is not encrypted and so it can be modified according to your requirements as most users have done.
    Please help our moderating team work more efficiently by not sending us support questions via PM. You can read more about how AppThemes support works here. However, you can send a PM to follow up and remind me if I missed your support request/thread.

    Thank you and have a nice day.

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